Selamat Datang Di WorLdLifeTime Club dan BabyLifeTime Club Indonesia and Singapore

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010



Catalogues are a great way to check out what other players are wearing! If you really like the items you can directly purchase them from the catalogue without going to the Fashion Mall to search for it.

Catalogue can only be open when you are in a game room with other players. Just right click on the player and select Catalogue.

User Catalogue Menu

    1ChecklistTick the items you want to buy in a consolidated list.
    2PurchaseBuy the one item only.
    3Add to BasketAdd item to Basket to buy later in the Mall.
    4RecipientType in a friend's IGN to Gift selected items to him/her.
    5List of ItemsDisplays list of selected items in Checklist.
    6Cost & BalanceWhite Text: Displays the item name, duration and its cost.
    Red Text: Displays total cost of all selected items.
    Yellow Text: Displays amount of Audition Cash in possession.
    Green Text: Displays amount of in-game currency (Dens) in possession.
    7PurchasePurchase all the selected items.
    8GiftSend all the selected items as a Gift to a friend.
    9Request ForSend a request to a friend to purchase the selected items for you.
    10CollectionView items sent to the Basket.

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